Books I like
These are people I consider to be at the forefront of thought leadership in the personal leadership and organizational culture space – many of whom are breakthrough academics, researchers, authors and/or practitioners.
Books I like
These are people I consider to be at the forefront of thought leadership in the personal leadership and organizational culture space – many of whom are breakthrough academics, researchers, authors and/or practitioners.
Tom Peters
When Tom Peters and Rob Waterman Jr. wrote In Search of Excellence it ignited a worldwide conversation on what it meant to be “Excellent”. It was early in my career and I became part of the conversation. Peters’ legacy is the passion he personally ignited regarding people and customers.
As mentioned in: Never Peters Out! September 15, 2015
Peter Senge
Peter Senge and this book made my brain sizzle. I was working for the Chairman of a Fortune 50 company and convinced him every executive make this a must read. It embedded a framework of systems thinking and learning that informs the way I think and act.
As mentioned in: Who Knows You Better Than You? August 10, 2012
Jim Collins
Good to Great became what In Search of Excellence was years before. It provoked another generation of leaders, including me, to explore the principles of greatness; including recognizing that good is the enemy of great.
As mentioned in: Compassionate Leadership is the Most EffectiveNovember 10, 2015
Dan Pink
Dan Pink made me think about what really motivates people beyond tired, old management beliefs of pay for performance. It is rich with common sense insight backed by research.
As mentioned in: What’s Your Purpose? Can You Make it a Brief Description? October 29, 2012