Hot Topic Friday: June 19

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Happy Friday! Here are my June 19 Hot Topics and how they relate to advancing culture or leadership.

Hot Topic 1: So What Does the Data Say About Working from Anywhere?


What It’s About: With the massive shift to working from home for knowledge workers, there is much emerging data from the experience. This article has six wonderful info graphics that capture key insights. 

So What?: We suggest you read the article and spend time considering the insights. Some highlights from the article

“98 percent of people surveyed said they would like the option to work remotely for the rest of their careers.

But not everything is positive, with workers finding the biggest challenge is 'unplugging' from work.”

People often think flexibility is mostly a perk for employees. That is narrow and shortsighted. Organizations and leaders that work with depth on this topic, know that it’s a culture strategy. A WFA workforce increases productivity, promotes self-accountability and value creation.

Now What?: Implement WFA (Work From Anywhere) wherever you can, or get left behind. There are challenges of course and all are manageable if you are committed to finding a way. 

One Millennial Response: When you work from home, there’s things you miss about the office. When you work in an office, there are things you miss about working from home. It’s a grass is greener situation. However, the one new constant for most of us, wherever we work from, we’re not missing any assignments, results, or responsibilities, and we have the technology to prove it. By working from anywhere, we’re still 100 percent able to put the work in.

Hot Topic 2: Are You Ready to Pivot Your Life?

Source: Forbes.

What It’s About?: To build on the above topic, this is another important article marveling at the profound lessons learned from so many people working from home. It points out that Twitter, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Spotify, Shopify and an array of other leading companies announced that their employees may work from home (anywhere) on a permanent basis. That’s a WOW! 

So What?: This article states: “Employees appreciated the chance to avoid long commutes, look after their homebound children (as schools closed) and enjoy a better work and life balance. Executives quickly recognized the potential for enormous cost savings, as expensive long-term leases for office space may no longer be required. There’s also the added benefit that as fewer people commute to work, our environment will improve with the lessened car and bus emissions.”

So What?: I’m writing this from our peaceful home near the resort community of Penticton, BC, Canada… It’s an unbelievable place to LIVE. If I was a knowledge worker, and my work could mostly be done by using the advanced technology platforms we currently have, why would I want a two hour commute, unreasonable high rents/mortgages, average schools, etc.? So I can hopefully save enough money to holiday in a place like this? Why not live in your dream spot, and holiday in an urban environment when you feel like it? As the article notes

“You’ll be free to move if you’d like. Some people feel stuck in one place due to their job and remain unhappy. Now’s your chance to relocate to the place you’d really love to live in. It's likely that people may move to lower-cost places or move to interesting locations.”

If your employer isn’t supportive, work for one who is. You are worth it!!

One Millennial Response: I’m not completely on the pulse of people reportedly leaving New York City in droves, but I’ve heard a lot of chatter about it. Now that NYC residents have spent more time than they bargained for, huddled in their highly expensive, extremely close quarters,  those homes over in the suburbs or even New Jersey are looking mighty good to a lot of folks. You can get a mortgage with space, yards, fences, patios, home offices (in wonderful neighborhoods), for less than their apartment rent. And now their bosses can’t tell them they wouldn’t be able to get the job done away from the hustle and bustle of their office buildings. NYC might need to change its slogan to “the city that never keeps… its residents.”

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[Ed Note: Find it at your local wine shops.]

And finally! Here’s Cecil’s Bleat of the Week!


“I was made for the library, not the classroom. The classroom was the jail of other people’s interests. The library was open, unending, free.” - Ta-Nehisi Coates.

Bye for now!

— Lorne Rubis

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Season 3 of Culture Cast

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