Starting Well, Leading Well and Leaving Well

Our research on creating team excellence and high performance, along with meaningful belonging for all, is actually accessible and very straightforward. Team leaders have a massive opportunity to increase results that really matter very quickly and efficiently. And if every team in an organization followed this opportunity system, the organization wide production increase would be remarkable. The following describes this opportunity in a simple but not simplistic fashion:

Starting Well: Our research finds organization wide on-boarding and welcoming to be really wanting in too many cases (it’s sad actually). However, even if the corporation is weak on this initiative, team leaders have the control to make a positive welcoming difference. Belongify’s “Starting Well “process involves a data driven, proven methodology. Any team leader who puts intentionality and thought to a great welcome can make a positive difference to a new team member and the team overall. Think about welcoming someone you care about to your home. Use that as a metaphor.

Leading Well: This is the core of our work applying to all teams, in all situations. Belongify has through numerous case studies, proven that if you follow our process of ensuring team members know each others stories and uniqueness (Connect), employ the fundamentals of psychological safety (Contribution), ensure alignment with purpose/values (Clarify) and focus on results driven excellence (Difference Making), the team will be high performing. This requires intentional application and focus. It’s not hard, yet it requires team leaders to know how to create these conditions and outcomes.

Leaving Well: Each one of us will have a last day at work. We will all leave one day. Unless someone does something egregious, we deserve to leave with respect and dignity. This is not just important to the person leaving. It also really matters to people staying. Even if your organization's lawyers/HR folks are draconian, you as a leader can have a big positive impact on every person leaving well (including internal reassignment). Again, Belongify has a process for this. However, even if you respectfully listen to the leaving person and ask them how you might make it a positive experience overall, you will have a constructive impact. Frankly, most organizations and leaders are ineffective and even harmful applying the leave process.

Start Well, Lead Well, Leave Well. It’s that simple, and actually not that hard. Leaders do need to commit to the intentionality though (and if you want a little support please connect with Belongify. We can cost effectively and efficiently help). 

And, if you do not need or want help from us, please follow these guidelines anyway. It will make you and your team better.

Think Big, Start Small, Act Now, 


One Millennial View: Why would hospitality not be under the umbrella of great (not perfect) leadership? Leaders can think of their team like a mobile AirBnb. You want to wow new arrivals, you want them to have a positive stay, and when it’s time for someone to leave, you want them to rave about their experience.

- Garrett