Wasp Therapy to Test Courage in the Workplace

I wrote this blog on Monday while traveling. Waiting to board, I was reading about some innovative things organizations do to test courage and creativity. 

A company (a brand you likely know ) uses wasps to test strength of character. The company intentionally cultivates up to 10 wasp nests in various places throughout their campus grounds. Anyone wanting a promotion or pay raise, must attempt “wasp therapy.” 

During lunch time, each Friday during the months of April to June, when wasps are nasty, a potential candidate must pick up two drumsticks of fried chicken (provided by the on campus cafeteria), and pick up a flag placed strategically next to each wasp nest, while holding the chicken. If they pick up all 10 flags, and cross the finish line, they qualify for the next and final raise or promotion step. If they fail to pick up all 10 flags, they are disqualified. They can try as many times as they want up to the last Friday of June. The candidates must wear non-wasp protective, athletic gear. (All sign waivers, and anyone with a wasp allergy cannot work in the company). 

As a final step upon completion of Wasp Therapy, the employee is expected to eat the two chicken drumsticks and chug a glass of beer. The events are wild, and people at all levels often dress up in creative costumes, cheering their teammates on. The HR team notes that about 10 percent of candidates quit the company if they fail to complete Wasp Therapy.  

However, successful candidates proudly wear bright, yellow t-shirts with wasp pics and a slogan that says “Bite Me” on the back. 

Sounds pretty crazy, doesn’t it? So, while it was published on April 2nd, I wrote this on April 1st!

I love April Fools Day. Every year I pull a prank. One of my favorites was being at a very high-brow conference where I told everyone attending that my pet rat (Cecil) escaped from its travel case, and it had a habit of squeezing under hotel doors, and snuggling into people's beds. People were pretty freaked out, lol. 

Thanks for going for a goofy ride in 2024, even if it’s just for one minute and one day of the year. 

Think Goofy, 

- Lorne 

One Millennial View: We should offer some sort of prize for any reader who can find something even more absurd than Wasp Therapy actually in existence. It wouldn’t be a surprise if someone’s paying in crypto fools gold at this point.  

- Garrett

Edited and published by Garrett Rubis