WOW! Our 1,000th Blog With You!

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Thank you all. The reason we have been around to share 1,000 blogs is because of your support and encouragement. Over the years, we have had so many people tell us that our shared thoughts helped in some way. Occasionally our viewpoint has helped someone with a decision. At other times, we inspired a personal action or self reflection. You have always been so kind, generous and respectful. Even if a reader disagreed, I can honestly tell you that we can’t recall ever receiving a mean spirited comment in response to a blog. You have been overwhelmingly positive, and have made every post a joy to create. Garrett and I genuinely look forward to continuing this. 

I also want to thank my family. Kathleen, my wife and friend, has been so patient on the Sunday and Wednesday nights when I’ve typically created a first draft. Countless times she kindly put aside what she was doing, to put on her reading glasses and give a review or a much needed first edit. Our wonderful daughters, great professionals and leaders themselves, have done the same and of course there is my son Garrett. The blog became way more fun for me and interesting for readers when he joined with his One Millennial View. Readers who know me personally often ask to say hi, although they’ve never met him. And as many of you know, he edits, publishes and manages the blogs, vlogs, website and all of my socials. Our time together is the best thing a Dad could hope for. It’s like playing catch in the backyard everyday. Lucky me. 

It is a bit daunting to adequately summarize the essence of 1,000 blogs. However, a number of themes have been “golden threads” over the years, and have earned maxim status with us. 

Rubis Maxims: 

1. The core values underlying personal character are found in the “Character Triangle”: Self Accountability, Respect and Abundance. 
2. Think Big, Start Small, and Act Now. 
3. People deserve great (not perfect) leaders, and leaders have a responsibility to become great (not perfect). 
4. Leadership is a practice. We must develop it as a separate and distinct focus worthy of mastering. 
5. Great leaders continuously get results, attract people who want to work with them and develop the best in others. 
6. We all need to embrace a growth and disruptive mindset. 
7. The effectiveness of any relationship is based on following the process of connecting, understanding and acting (in that order). Be humbled by Susan Scott’s insight“The conversation is the relationship and the relationship is the conversation.” 
8. Trying to be the same or just slightly better, means settling for average. Think exponentially and embrace the possibility of becoming 10x better. 
9. Learning fast is more important than failing fast. 
10. All blame (especially self-blame) is wasteful. Distrust is also one of the biggest wastes and the most costly line item in every organization.
11. Everything is a process. When we think that way, we can openly discuss and improve anything. 
12. Care for others by being frank, open, authentic and transparent in your relationship. Listen well and respectfully use straight talk. 
13. Make ALL people feel like they belong just the way they are, while inspiring them to continuously grow and develop.
14. Humbly remember that your view is just one perspective in the world. Others have one view too. The ability to thoughtfully change one’s perspective increases our IQ and EQ. 
15. Learn the power of being able to reframe 
16. Seek justice and fairness for all, especially the disadvantaged. Become an invited ally of people different than you. 
17. Have the courage to speak up for doing the right thing, even when it is perceived to be personally risky. 
18. Focus on what’s best for the greater good first. Be careful not to confuse fighting for the right thing with fighting to be right. Keep your ego in check.
19. Use the momentum created by the phrases of “how might we?” and “have you considered?”
20. See EVERY person and personally show up to be seen. Recognize and appreciate people every day. Have your own version of sharing a DWD (Darn Well Done). 

There are many other principles that I follow and coach to. However the 20 above came to me first while drafting number 1,000 this Sunday night. Would you add anything I’ve written or talked about that deserves to be on this list? 

Think Big, Start Small and Act Now. And please join us for the next thousand! 


One Millenial View: Well, nothing could be better said than what is listed above. It’s been a great ride and fun journey. While my generation won’t change titles, I’m so fortunate to be part of it to keep sharing and learning with hopefully 1,000 more. 

Blog 1,000

Edited and published by Garrett Rubis