Posts tagged adapting
Lead In With Lorne - False Expectations Appearing Real

This week, hear this funny story about False Expectations Appearing Real during a bike ride. Don’t let fear overwhelm you.

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Lead In With Lorne - The Value of Vacation

This week, I’m officially turning off. It’s vacation time for a short while. While that means I get to wear my Hawaiian shirts, it’s also for me to rejuvenate and find new value when I return.

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Lead in With Lorne - The Make Your Team Laugh Challenge

This week, I have a challenge for you. Send your team something that will make everyone laugh. Really laugh, not just crack a smile, but laugh out loud. Of course humor is subjective, but do your best!

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Lead In With Lorne - A Fun Quiz: How Adaptable Are You?

I’m conducting a quiz via podcast, asking how adaptable you think you are. With a little influence from a Fortune magazine article, here are 13 questions you can ask yourself to rate how adaptable you are from 1 (not) to 10 (champ). Play along!

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