Lead in With Lorne - The Make Your Team Laugh Challenge

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Welcome to another Lead In With Lorne! This week, I have a challenge for you. Send your team something that will make everyone laugh. Really laugh, not just crack a smile, but laugh out loud. Of course humor is subjective, but do your best! And if you believe it’s hilarious, please share it with us too! For me this week, it was this video (that you may have seen before), of a fan named Jeremy Fry dancing to Bon Jovi at a Celtic’s game. An unexpected performance for the ages. Check it out here. Or Below!

Enjoy our podcast on the YouTube video embedded below, or audio listeners can hear it on SoundCloud now too. We hope it enriches your Monday!

Kindly subscribe to the YouTube channel and SoundCloud to make sure you start your week with a leadership story.

Lorne Rubis is available @LorneRubis on InstagramTwitterLinkedIn and Facebook.