Are You Really Creating a Growth Culture?


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What It’s About: In order to have a growth culture, the organization needs to be populated by employees who have a growth, and even disruptive mindset most of the time. So what are practical considerations to have all of us in a growth frame of mind, more often than not?

So What?: For guidance on this, I’m leaning into the work of Harvard’s Dr. Robert Kegan, Berkeley’s Alison Gopnik, and a few others. Here is what Kegan says

“For an organization to become a growth culture it must implement and foster these two key features:

Care (support)

Candor (challenge)

Many organizations are weak in both of these; no fixed candid communication with their people about how their work matters (care), and avoiding conflict and holding people accountable (candor).”

Now What?: The insight from Kegan is why, at Belongify, we intentionally work on connecting and clarifying each employee's contribution to purpose (care). And we invest in the importance of crunchy conversations (challenge). This work has to be intentional. If you leave it to chance, you put the organization at risk and likely sub optimize performance at every level. As Kegan notes above, most organizations are lousy at this. Intentionally invest in creating a growth culture through care and challenge. Better yet… Get Belongified!

Think Big, Start Small, Act Now, 

- Lorne 

One Millennial View: Care and candor might be some of those words you see on a wall, but feel empty. When you put intention behind them, they are a game changer. Words on walls, or true intentionality by getting Belongified? You pick. 

- Garrett 

Edited and published by Garrett Rubis