Finding an Unexpected Gift and B Sides in This

What It’s About: This situation has been a horrible pandemic punctuated by the lives taken, unbelievable burden on health care workers, and stress on all essential service. And of course, the financial, economic impacts for most of us are enormous. At the same time, there are unexpected and amazing gifts as a bit of a silver lining. For me personally, it’s been the personal time with my son and business partner Garrett. 

So What?: Garrett, who lives by himself in his beautiful home in Austin, Texas, was being nudged by his older sisters to come and keep an eye on the old folks in Canada (yup, that’s Kathleen and me). In parallel, his parents were concerned about his isolation in Texas without family nearby. So in early March, prior to travel restrictions, he came to visit us (for what was supposed to be just two weeks). The extended visitation has included everyday dinners, long walks, fierce debates, daily hugs, and so much more. Since he graduated from college, we never anticipated that we would have concentrated moments like that together again, and if it wasn't for the pandemic, we wouldn’t have. 

Now What?: Garrett has plans to fly back to Austin on June 1. That will be a bittersweet day. He’s a fully functioning adult, and of course, like all of us would be, is anxious to get to his home. Yet I know that this was a surprise gift of personal togetherness. Lucky me!! Thank you, Garrett!! 

I hope all of you have come to appreciate some of the side benefits of sheltering in; home dinners, family puzzles or board games, learning how to Zoom, walks together, binging Netflix, petty arguments and maybe even louder ones, making up, asking for forgiveness, forgiving, more hugs, and just time together with all of its bumpy humanness. For those of us boomers who played vinyl records called 45’s, we likely recall that they had an A and B side. The A side was always the hit song, but every once in a while Side B was great too. In this case, playing that B side and loving the song is the beautiful surprise. 

Think Big, Start Small, Act Now, 

- Lorne

One Millennial View: While I can’t wait to return back to the home/neighborhood/city/friends/people/weather/routines I love in Austin, this truly has been a gift that I probably won’t fully appreciate until it’s over. I’m incredibly lucky and grateful for this experience, and it’s likely more special that I even know at the moment. I was reviewing how many weekly podcasts we’ve done since I arrived here... 10! And it’ll be 12 by the time I’m gone. 12 weeks. A very long, unexpected thing that I’ll ultimately be so thankful for. 

- Garrett