Learn Four Basic and Four Fun Things Re: WFA (Work From Anywhere)

What It’s About: CNN published an interesting article describing how the Coronavirus is causing organizations to experiment with WFA, regardless of whether the institution really wanted to. It’s the only positive consequence of this virus I’ve heard of. Overwhelmingly, the data is in favor of promoting WFA. See my other blogs for more

The following are four basics to get right (assuming modern technology platforms are in place) from a remote team perspective: 

  1. Create a team charter that specifies the norms/expectations of working together. (For example: Always having your live picture up, everyone helps each other contribute, sticking to time, etc). 

  2. Schedule team check-ups: At least once per month, devote an hour exclusively to how you’re doing as a virtual team. What’s working? What’s not? Etc. Course correct as needed.

  3. Apply an agile problem solving process the team can efficiently use. Often team meetings are for alignment, coordination, etc. However, sometimes the team just needs to take on a gnarly problem and “kill it” in real time.

  4. Invest in getting to know each other better. This is based on the principle of “connect before content.” Implement a process where collectively you learn more about each team member.

Now Four Fun Things: 

  1. Once in a while, but in an easy way, have “cupcake Tuesday” or “wine Wednesday.” Utilize today’s convenient delivery services to make this happen. Sole purpose: Virtual fun.

  2. Use a recognition platform (G-chat, Slack, Monday.com) so team members can easily and quickly send specific thank yous and show appreciation. 

  3. Have simple, non-business oriented, fun contests: For example, funniest pet videos of the month, best “power meal” pictures, or whatever you want. There is no end to the possibilities. 

  4. Occasionally if practical, schedule a face-to-face session. If not, create a virtual mini-conference for your team. Key outcomes: What have we learned? Have we considered ____? How might we ____? 

Be prepared to notice your team productivity and morale significantly get better! 

Think Big, Start Small, Act Now, 

- Lorne 

One Millennial View: You’d hate to think that it would take a global virus for us to realize our capability to work from anywhere, but here we are. I think these eight examples are a great starting point for anyone skeptical about dipping their toes into the WFA way of life.  

- Garrett 

Edited and published by Garrett Rubis