Searching For and Finding a Little Light

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Our nine-year-old old granddaughter texted me the other morning, (no worries, she can only text her immediate family). It was so simple. “I am so happy today Gramps.” That’s all I needed to boost my day. It was a sweet morning “light” that just lifted me. Such an uncomplicated yet beautiful act of abundance on her part. 

Dr. Mary Pipher is a clinical psychologist in Lincoln, Nebraska, and the author, most recently, of “A Life in Light: Meditations on Impermanence.” She also published a wonderful essay in the Sunday NYT about the importance of internationally searching for light in darkness. Let’s face it, the winter and even the holiday season can sometimes feel bleak. And the pain of wars, other disasters, etc. all can cast an additional shadow. Staying on any news channel, watching the hardship of others, while we cozily sit in front of our screens, creates gloomy discomfort for us.

So, searching for and finding joy in little things that flicker light, pokes a hole in that ever present darkness. For me, it’s like emotional oxygen. 

For those celebrating Christmas, the birth of Christ is about light in the midst of darkness. Light can quietly reside in a glorious morning sky, full moon, a distant bird song, laughter of others, and if we search and remain present enough to observe, light is everywhere. For me it is most bright in a warm smile or kind deed. Whatever it is for each of us, Garrett and I wish you a treasure trove of light in 2024. 

Your generosity by following us, sharing your reactions and occasional encouragement shines brightly for us. Thank you and have a most wonderful new year.

Very personal best,

Lorne and Garrett