The Beautiful Value of Low Stakes Debates

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One Millennial View: Every Monday evening, I watch a visual podcast on YouTube, called “Taste Buds,” where two funny people argue about food preferences. Dumb? Maybe. Enjoyable? Absolutely. 

Each episode gets about 150,000 views, or more, so I’m not alone. 

Sure, arguing over what’s better, “chicken fingers versus hot dogs,” might sound like a low brow waste of time, however I challenge you to think deeper. What do we gain from these low stakes debates? It’s a magic trick! We learn very personal knowledge by happenstance! 

It can reveal what restaurants people prefer, their upbringings, their health choices, sentimentals, experiences, condiment selection, spicy, sweet, savory, all of it! And all without real scrutiny or the fear of judgment. We need low stakes debates! They’re a form of currency. 

At the beginning of your next meeting, think about asking a question like this to your teammates: 

1. Do you prefer indoor chores, or outdoor chores? 

2. If you were stuck on a desert island with only one movie to watch, what would it be?

3. After what activity does a drink taste best? 

4. Would you rather receive an experience or object as a gift? 

5. What animal would you want to be? Why?

This is Connect Before Content! And it’s not a waste of time, it’s actually imperative for bettering your results, and what you know about the folks you surround yourself with. 

See what you learn, without even directly inquiring! The person who would be a bear maybe has the demeanor to seek out the next customers like salmon, the person who wants to be an eagle might have a soaring overhead perspective of what’s going on, the person who loves a beer after mowing the lawn could take pride in presentation, the person who wants an experience over an object is who would design the itinerary for the next conference, and maybe everyone can agree that “Dumb and Dumber” is impossible to get tired of watching, night after night, while stuck on a desert island. I don’t know! But, it’s fun! Isn’t it? 

And that’s what connecting should be. Argue these things! Agree and disagree on these things! Often! You are allowed to, it’s enjoyable, and you’re accidentally learning valuable things without being intrusive. Abracadabra, it’s magic. 

The business of low stakes debates is booming, and I want more of it. 

- Garrett

One Gen Z View: I think this is a great concept and thing to do. I think it brings people closer together without high stakes taking away the fear of judgment. I think it is a nice, low stakes way to bond and learn.

- Logan

Edited and published by me.