Ubuntu and Belonging


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What It’s About: When I listened to the perspective of an indigenous (Cree) elder a while ago, he started his conversation with the principle: “We are all related,” and shared his wisdom, building on this notion. In the same spirit, I love the principles underlying Ubuntu, a South African philosophy which teaches that all humans are deeply interconnected. Respect for all is at its foundation, and it implores us to look outward, acknowledging the humanity in others. When we do this with sincerity, our behavior transforms. It’s difficult to mistreat others if we genuinely recognize their inherent value. Every person we interact with becomes worthy of our respect, whether they’re our long-term partner, the postal worker delivering our mail. or the homeless person offering to clean our windshield at the red light. (Respect is also one of the key values I emphasize in my book, The Character Triangle). 

So What?: I am deeply interested and committed to creating conditions of true belonging. The key message in Ubuntu is: “To feel true belonging, we must acknowledge humanity’s interconnectedness.” Truly seeing each other, as emphasized in Zulu culture, is emotional nutrition. When we do not get enough, it manifests socially as loneliness (including in the workplace). “36 percent of Americans, including 61 percent of young adults, report ‘serious loneliness,’” according to a survey by the Making Caring Common Project at Harvard. Wow! Let’s each commit to changing that through our daily activities. We can do it. 

Now What?: In his book, Everyday Ubuntu, the author Mungi Ngomane notes: “Ubuntu challenges us to flip our thinking. Instead of using other people as a point of comparison, it invites us to focus instead on what someone else brings to our lives. Their contribution might be small – a stranger holding the door open for you, or huge – a loved one caring for you while you’re sick. As soon as we shift our thinking to how someone has contributed to our lives, we let go of our notions of lack and competition. By looking outward in a positive way, we start seeing how connected we are to the lives of those around us. And this sense of belonging brings us comfort.”

Connect Before Content: If we simply employ this principle with EVERYONE, we will move the belonging needle forward and reduce loneliness. See everyone for what they have and will contribute to our lives! We are all related. 

Think Big, Start Small, Act Now, 

- Lorne 

One Millennial View: Connect Before Content really seems to be one of those “a-ha” resonators that truly click for people after they consider it. It makes you wonder how many teams conduct Zoom meetings with no check-ins, no connection, just agenda. For those who do work from home and have limited social interactions otherwise, connect before content can be the refreshing game changer to prevent serious loneliness. 

- Garrett

Edited and published by Garrett Rubis