What We Will NOT Do in 2021?

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What It’s About: Last Jan. 6, my first blog of the year, I boldly predicted that 2020 would be the year that working from home or anywhere, would achieve new critical mass. WOW… That was an understatement. Of course, I had no idea that this forecast would become stunningly true because of a worldwide pandemic.

To kick-off 2021, I want to make another work prediction, and it’s about what many more working people will intentionally NOT do, or stop doing this year. At unprecedented levels, people with any reasonable level of choice, will say NO to doing work that does not personally feel meaningful and purposeful. I do not want this statement to come across aloof, exclusive to knowledge workers, or tone deaf to the reality of severe unemployment issues. However, Covid will hopefully be in the rear view mirror by Q3, and lots of people will be taking more stock of their life/work situation. Our current environment has taught us many lessons. One of them is a poignant reminder of what is really important to each of us at work. As an example, having a job requiring unnecessary hours of wasteful commuting to and from work, is going to become unreasonable regardless of management dictums and compensation. Waste of time/effort just won’t be worth it to many. Also, working in a toxic organization culture and/or for a crummy leader is going to get more scrutiny. My old boss used to say the longest two weeks in the world were between pay periods if you were miserable at work. Life and time is too precious. This has always been true, and over the last year, we have ALL seen how fast the world can redefine literally everything. We will not cling to or put up with crap. 

So What?: People at work, regardless of generation, and especially millennials and Z’s, are becoming more discerning and willing to both speak out and act on their feelings. They want to work for an organization that advances humankind. They expect social justice, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. And now, amplified by the painful consequences of a pandemic, they are appreciating the importance of BELONGING! They want to be able to be their genuine selves, ask for and get authentic help, contribute and make a difference, while feeling trusted and welcome at work (and everywhere). By the way, remote working can provide this desirable work experience. It takes imagination and new mindsets. 

Now What?: I know we all need to make money for the basics in life, and hopefully a little more. However, what many of us WILL NOT do in 2021 is to put up with lousy workplaces and leaders. Yes, we need to be personally self-accountable as employees, and bring our imperfect best to work most days. Furthermore, we can’t expect leaders and organizations to be perfect either. However, if we have little or no space to change ourselves for the better, how can we stay in a work environment that suffocates and denigrates us? 

2020 was haunted by the phrase, “I CAN’T BREATHE.” I hope 2021 becomes invigorated by a sense of “DEEP FRESH AIR,” that most welcome breath that comes from the freedom to be one’s true self, unafraid, and making a difference, while being embraced by others in a circle of true BELONGING

Think Big, Start Small, Act Now, Happy New Years! 

- Lorne 

One Millennial View: Yikes, is anyone a little wary of you starting this year off with another prediction already? Regardless, this one definitely encourages a path for more positive potential. While 2021 will not become perfect tomorrow just because the calendar changed, we’ve spent a ton of time scrubbing and disinfecting toxins out of everything in the past few months. I think most enjoy maintaining those noticeably improved standards. Belonging will keep teams sparkling, and maintain cooler temperatures, even when the electronic thermometers begin to be put away. 

- Garrett 

Edited and published by Garrett Rubis