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What It’s About: What book(s) have had the biggest impact on your thinking and being? 

I was looking for a break, after a long hard executive run as a COO of a public company. I decided a couple days off on a beach was needed. As I prepared for the trip, I went to Barnes & Noble (when that book store experience was still an amazing part of daily life). I found a newly published, and at that time, relatively obscure book, entitled “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. I read it, and re-read it on my vacation. The book impacted my thinking in so many ways. I had never really considered my mind being separate from my brain, and how much control I had over what I chose to think. And of course, much more personal learning was harvested from the book, which is now iconic. 

So What?: I am so curious what my next big influence will be, and what I’m ready for next. What about you? The old adage, “When the student is ready, the teacher comes,” is so true. 

Now What?: A dear friend just gave me the gift of The Bhagavad Gita Comes Alive. See pic below. I can hardly wait to dig into it, and see where it might take me. I look forward to sharing my insights. 

If you get a moment, please let me know what book(s) have powerfully and positively impacted you. Thank you. 

Think Big, Start Small, Act Now, 


One Millennial View: My “whoa” book that I’ve read in the last couple years, was “Thank You For My Service” by Black Rifle Coffee Company’s Mat Best. I sped through it in less than two days. However, I listen to multiple podcasts per week. Are we now getting more powerful and positive insights from podcasts than books? I’m wondering. 

- Garrett