Why I’m Excited to Be Chief People Advisor at Air Protein


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What It’s About: Air Protein’s aspiration is to be the world’s No. 1 meat company. That may sound too ambitious, even silly to some. However, think about who the world’s No. 1 car maker was 30 years ago. Now China is far ahead. I predict Air Protein will achieve this objective. And frankly, even if you’re a rancher or small farmer who raises livestock, you can be cheering them on too. 

So What?: Based on the genius of Dr. Lisa Dyson, and co-founder Dr. John Reed, NASA inspired patents, superb fermentation engineers, exceptional food scientists, a team of great startup people, and capital from Google Ventures, Barclays. ADM, Unreasonable Group, this new category of protein will be carbon negative at scale. It will potentially be 10x more efficient than the closest plant based protein. If you are even somewhat self aware, you know that mass meat production, as we do it today, is unsustainable. Air Protein makes nutritious, tasty, meat by utilizing green carbon dioxide and hydrogen. I’ve seen the protein biomass produced with my own eyes, and it’s frigging remarkable. Air Protein is NOT against anything. It is for feeding the world in a low cost, nutritious, environmentally sustainable way. That’s why I want to help make the Air Protein organization the best place to work in the world. So that the best people bring their talent to make this purpose and aspiration come true! 

Now What?: The scariest channel on TV is the weather channel, anywhere in the world. The terrifying climate change we’re experiencing everywhere is not a one off. It’s the new normal (which is a phrase I hate, but don’t know a better one). So bring your talent to an organization and purpose that makes a difference to advancing human kind and our earth. Just earning money is a very narrow lens by which to live. We need you, and that’s why I love being Chief People Advisor to this marvelous group of humans! Like the current advertisement states: “You don’t have to be amazing to start, but you can’t be amazing until you start.” 

Think Big, Start Small, Act Now, 

- Lorne 

One Millennial View: Honestly, I hope my future involves a deep freeze full of months worth of deer and elk meat. As a grilling beginner and enthusiast, I’m learning a lot about various proteins. What seems to be clear is that factory farming quality of food is pretty lousy, and it’s best to avoid it. Instead, select your organic options that you can trace back to the source. And maybe, who’s to say that source won’t be air? 

- Garrett