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Need a Culture Boost?: Building Extraordinary and Adaptive Cultures Course Available Now!

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What It’s About: This is a continuing series taking a deeper dive into what drives an extraordinary and adaptive culture. (See my previous blogs and the IcE10 System).

Have you ever been on a long flight, and when you landed, no one was there to dock the plane? You may have ended up sitting on the tarmac, wondering if anyone really cared when you arrived? This situation relates to the workplace, because the way one is welcomed into an organization and team has a lasting impact on the new member’s initial, and continuing successful contribution. 

So What?: Unfortunately, too often new employees, or workers moving from part of a company to another, have disappointing welcoming experiences. The major problems observed in the usual new employee onboarding processes according to a recent article include

Considering onboarding as a one day process.

Onboarding process is too job-function focused.

Too formal to be comfortable with.

Challenges with role clarity.

Too focused on the big stuff.

Challenges with communicating the company/department culture.

Your team doesn’t have time to help with employee onboarding.

Lack of manager involvement.

Information under/overload.

You new employee onboarding doesn’t represent reality.

Now What?: A brief Google search can give you lots of ideas on how to really wow new team members. As an example, I really liked snacknation’s ideas for welcoming new employees in 2021

The important thing is to be intentional about welcoming néw team members as a foundation for creating lasting psychological safety and belonging. Our arrival to a new team really matters! When people feel welcomed and valued in the workplace, it is what the indigenous community refers to as “starting in a good way.” We feel seen and even understood. As emphasized by Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D., in a recent Psychology Today article: “Feeling understood connects you to others, allowing you to feel welcome… If you feel understood, you’re not groping your way in the darkness. With others’ respectful willingness to recognize you and your intentions, you’re empowered to attempt, and accomplish, things that you otherwise might not be driven to do.” So let’s start in a good way! And welcome! 

Think Big, Start Small, Act Now. 


One Millennial View: Other than an “hey everybody say hi to ____,” I’ve never witnessed any sort of remarkable onboarding. In fact, I’ve worked in close proximity to new people for short stretches of time without having a clue what their names or titles were. I guess the mentality was “well you’re the new person, so it’s your opportunity to introduce yourself.” In retrospect, what a lousy way to represent an organization that you’re supposed to care for. 

- Garrett 

Edited and published by Garrett Rubis