Are You Fun at Work? Take This Quiz

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Imagine if being a fun co-worker was highly regarded as a qualification when you were interviewing for your next position. Experience? Check. Education? Check. Dependability? Check. Fun? 

Your highly seasoned and knowledgeable contribution is great and important, however perhaps we can aspire to also graduate from the University of Lightening Up, and lighting up a room. 

After all, Play and Experimentation is one of the elements for creating great and adaptive cultures in the workplace, and fun is significant. 

So, here’s a checklist my co-writer Lorne Rubis created to measure your level of fun. Are you up for the quiz? In our opinion, you should score at least 8/10, or else you have some work to do. 

1. You have pulled numerous practical jokes on people (tastefully, of course). 

2. You fist bump/high five folks when greeting them. 

3. You have laughed loud enough at work where someone else has shushed you. 

4. When you send emails, while remaining professional, you use emojis to brighten them up. 

5. You have danced among colleagues like no one’s watching. 

6. You have worn a tropical or borderline edgy outfit to work in order to stand out a little. 

7. You have told a joke that is nearly inappropriate, almost risky, however the reaction is always positive. 

8. You have affable nicknames for your teammates. 

9. You’ve been out with colleagues, and someone had no alternative but to urinate somewhere they likely shouldn’t. 

10. Once in a while, the night has been so fun, you’ve wondered how in the world you could make it through the next day at work. 

Here's your quiz! What’s your score? Let us know in the comments below. If you scored less than 8/10, in order to lighten up, you are morally obligated to share this with a coworker. In fact, share it anyway and compare your findings! Consider it… Fun! 

Think fun, start small, act now. 

- Garrett 

Baby Boomer View: Part of my fun is having Garrett write the main blog, lol. Seriously, after a crazy couple of years, let’s consciously turn on the fun channel at work. Maybe we’ve all had too much CNN, Fox News, Twitter? 

- Lorne