One Millennial View Month

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Hey all you wonderful Lorne Rubis blog readers, 

You might notice a format and tone change. That’s because this is Garrett. 

It’s tough to write blogs when you’re 5,600 miles away, celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary with some gnocchi alla Sorrentina, a glass of Franciacorta, distracted by the Amalfi Coast views… So, you’re stuck with me for a month! 

I figured instead of just repurposing old blogs and content, I’d take this opportunity to dedicate the main body of our weekly blogs to discuss what’s in the professional zeitgeist from a Millennial perspective. This won’t be my first rodeo in the content department, so it shouldn’t be too unreadable. 

I’ll also be fortunate enough to have my 15-year-old nephew, Lorne’s Grandson, Logan, chime in with his Gen Z perspective. This will give this content an even fresher view on the subject matter, and he still attends English classes, so he can tell me if my Journalism degree has completely withered away. 

Starting next Tuesday 9/13: One Millennial View Month. We hope to find you there! (If not, Lorne will be back in Oct… No big deal, it’ll just hurt my feelings 😉). 

Also, if there are any subjects you’d like to hear tackled from a Millennial (and Gen Z) perspective, please let us know in the comment section! After all, that’s how all of us younger generations get our ideas these days. 

- Garrett 

Edited and published by me.