Boss Yourself and Pass on the Putz

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One of the reasons for the resistance to “return to office edicts” is the demeaning feeling associated with being ordered around for reasons that frankly don’t make sense to a lot of folks. E.g. Why three days per week? Why Tuesday through Thursday? Etc. 

And it’s not surprising that people are choosing to hustle or gig work versus working for a traditional employer. Seemingly capricious layoffs in the once “golden” technology sector, just reinforces that no market or employer is safe from a layoff notice. The stories of how ineffective and inconsistent many bosses and employers are seem to be on the rise. People are being much more thoughtful about how much they are willing to put up with for a paycheck. In fact, Deloitte research suggests that leaders better “wake up and be more human.”

At one time, working for oneself was considered something a person did when they couldn’t “get a job.” Not so now! Many people would rather work at several hustle jobs, where they are in control rather than dealing with ego driven bosses trying to climb the corporate ladder by stepping on the fingers of people who work for them. 

So employers and leaders, wake up! You are not just competing against other organizations for talent. You are also competing against a self employment model that is a viable option for many, regardless of experience. And old fashioned command and control management (just shut up and do what you're told) is not just a turn off, it’s a deal breaker for many. In some cases people are willing to tolerate sub-optimal experiences, but only for a few years. Then they’re out! 

And if you think Millennials had high expectations, wait until these Gen Z kids hit the workplace. They realize that they know way more regarding digital technolog than people just a few years older. They scoff at bosses who try to pull rank, just like they currently do with teachers who try to leverage them. They may be more anxious than previous generations but paradoxically, are also more fearless and confident.

I cheer them on. Be your own boss first. Learn from everyone, but don’t put up with heavy handed bosses who care mostly for themselves.

Think Big, Start Small, Act Now, 

- Lorne 

One Millennial View: Entitlement is unattractive under any circumstance. If we’re in leadership roles, we should be putting in our best efforts to be people first, desirable bosses that attract top talent. A win-win for all involved. As Deloitte’s research suggests, that might require a wake up call for some leaders.

- Garrett 

Edited and published by Garrett Rubis