Why Invest in Belonging?


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What It’s About: Do you remember what it feels like when you’re on the outside looking in? All of us, at one time or another, have had that sense of not being included or even worse, not feeling like we belong. On the other hand, being truly included and belonging, evokes such a wonderful feeling of comradeship, and almost gives us a natural high. We matter. We are welcomed. We make a difference. We can be ourselves. It is common sense that in the workplace, we want conditions for as much belonging as possible. I could give you a laundry list of quantitative analysis to reinforce this premise but it’s almost a “duh.” Of course, contribution and productivity increases with belonging. It is also fair to assume that a decrease in belonging has a negative impact on performance and contribution at every level. 

So if we accept that belonging is value producing and an important part of people and organizations achieving results, investing in creating belonging makes a lot of “business sense.” However, it is much more than an economic construct. Belonging is deeply important to us as humans. As Harvard’s Dean of Divinity, David Hampton riffs on belonging, he eloquently states, “It is a powerful word. It resonates with self acceptance, with community, with a sense of home, of somehow being where we are meant to be and where we can flourish individually and corporately.” Harvard felt that being more intentional about belonging was so important that it launched a Presidential Task Force on Inclusion and Belonging in 2019 and outlined a call to action for all of the Harvard community.

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So What?: Diversity is our mix and is primarily quantitative. We are or are not diverse. Equity or social justice is the way we make fairness part of the mix. Inclusion is applying the mix through action and behavior. Belonging is the emotional outcome at a very individual level. It is highly personal and completes the circle of inclusion AND belonging. 

It is measured one person at a time, and most importantly, if we put our minds and resources towards it, we can be more intentional about creating greater conditions for it to emerge and be sustainable.

Now What?: Step one is being intentional and declaring the importance of belonging to individuals, teams and the organization. Step two is understanding what the key drivers and levers are to promote conditions for greater belonging. Some of Harvard's calls to actions include: Respect and see me for what I am. Speak bravely, listen generously. Everyone has a story. Learn Theirs. Share Yours

There is much more to this than outlining pithy sayings and slogans. That’s why I co-founded Belongify, so we could intentionally put research and social science to work in helping individuals, teams and organizations create conditions for a greater sense of belonging and positive contribution. It is also vital to emphasize that belonging does not mean compromising oneself to fit in. It does not involve lowering standards of excellence, or receiving a participation ribbon just for showing up. Individuals, teams and leadership all have distinct and connected roles to play for more belonging. I can think of no greater purpose than creating better conditions and behavioral practices where people feel like they can really belong and thrive. As the song goes, “what a wonderful world it would be.”

I want to challenge the HR community, of which I’m proudly part of, to give more intentional consideration to creating greater belonging for all. Please continue the diversity, equity and inclusion work underway. However, to complete the circle and system, please also make room for belonging. The world needs more of it and we’re the folks that can lead the charge.

Think Big, Start Small, Act Now, 

- Lorne 

One Millennial View: If you do a quick Google search, it’s obvious that Belonging is a huge part of the continued conversation for success in organizations. Many will receive a definition without a direct course of action, however we’re in a position to help all individuals, teams and organizations to follow the steps to create belonging, everywhere. 

- Garrett 

Edited and published by Garrett Rubis.