Will Your 2023 Be Your 2022 Warmed Over?

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What It’s About: Honestly, how would you rate 2022 for yourself? What criteria would you apply? Whether it is a personal practice or not, many of us label or judge the previous year as being a certain way on Jan. 1 of the new year. It is never just a simple review, although certain milestones or events have a more defining impact. As part of this consideration, it’s helpful to separate what was in our control and what wasn’t. 

In this context, I was struck by Father Richard Rohr’s meditation today. In it he says, “Imagination is largely a matter of being able to re-image life in new ways. It is not to be caught or trapped in old images of hopelessness. When we’re trapped in old images, we keep living out of them, fighting against them, resisting them, and even saying they don’t work. But it seems we are incapable of creating or even accepting new images and living out of those new images.” 

So What?: I’m wondering how many of us are not willing or perhaps not capable of reimagining life in new ways? Or perhaps, caught or trapped in old images of hopelessness? 

When I work with leaders in cultural transformation, I’m amazed at how many people are stuck in outdated mind sets, where they expect work to be a certain way. People keep living out of old work paradigms where they fine tune around hopeless expectations. What I find disheartening, is that they rarely give themselves the space to question and reimagine new and better ways. 

Now What?: In 2023, I’m not going to suggest resolutions. Lots of other people are helping you in that regard. However, I am challenging you to fundamentally rethink old images of hopelessness. Accepting something you have the power to change for the better is not a virtue. In order to make it different in a positive way for you, it requires a reimagination out of the trap. That requires THINKING! And perhaps it does take on the need for prophetic inspiration of others who help us step out our traps. 

This is one reason I’m a fan of “Think Big, Start Small and Act Now.” It starts with imagination or reimagination, and simply begins with a small step forward.

Let’s advance in 2023 on what you and I can control. Perhaps much of 2022 is worth reliving? Yet we know life will not be that simple. Unexpected events will occur to mark the year uniquely. In that midst of all that is actively putting our mind to work in new ways that we completely control. Think big, start small, act now. And next year, when we read this, we will have taken ourselves to a better spot. How great is that? 

Think Big, Start Small, Act Now, 

- Lorne 

One Millennial View: Well, I anticipated another prediction for this year, like in years’ past. However, this is more of a premonition. Yes, how much courage can we have? Despite obstacles, who can step forward and make strides? How about you’re not allowed to be trapped? Connect with us, and let’s make 2023 amazing. Why not? 

- Garrett

Edited and published by Garrett Rubis