It is wasteful to have leaders complaining about workers slacking off and employees feeling overworked when it’s opinion rather than data.
Read MoreIt continues to amaze me how many organizations allow their culture to simply evolve without intentionality.
Read MoreThis addresses the No. 1 issue that helps people either flourish or fail at work. It is also the cornerstone of high morale and employee retention.
Read MoreThe “so what?” for me is that we get to achieve a medal or personal best everyday for how we treat ourselves and others.
Read MoreThe “so what?” for me is that we get to achieve a medal or personal best everyday for how we treat ourselves and others.
Read MoreSimilar thinking moves leaders and organizations more towards hospitality behavior that satisfies and replenishes, rather than force feeds.
Read MorePeople who get in the game try, fail, try, fail, and always learn. They continuously propel forward to make themselves better.
Read MoreEnlightened organizations measure employee engagement, well-being, retention, and facsimile metrics. The very best also measure organizational cultural health.
Read MoreBeing aware of how language/slang is used and intended, builds understanding between generations.
Read MoreInterestingly, a large number of adults of all ages are showing up for Inside Out 2 in theaters. Curious as to why?
Read MoreAdvancing oneself and others comes from forgiveness. Yet, the act of forgiveness seems allusive or even counterintuitive. Why?
Read MoreEach employee's circumstance is so unique in place/time/context, that it may not even be possible to develop ubiquitous care support arrangements. One size fits all doesn’t work.
Read MoreI’m sharing this because it seems we have way too many people in pain around us. Too many of us are hurting alone.
Read MoreI’ve often said that if I had ONLY ONE strategy to use, I’d have every person in an organization meet in mixed groups of 15 to 20 people, for one to two hours to simply share their personal stories.
Read MoreMy observation is that successful teams really find a way to fight well as a constructive norm.
Read MoreImagine bringing a group of people together and applying these principles. For buttoned down executives, it was as uncomfortable as hell in the early 90’s and still would make a lot of them squirm today.
Read MoreIn order to have a winning culture, you need to know your teammates will support you this way. This is the understanding that when facing difficulty, your colleagues and/or leaders will come to your defense.
Read MorePeople leave work for many reasons. In almost every case, the person leaving and people staying have gained something together. Why not acknowledge that?
Read MoreInvest in conditions that encourage people to stay, contribute and flourish, rather than legislation or tools to force them to stick around.
Read MoreI guess this makes the mystical wish to find a magic pill for business success somewhat literal?
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