I start the first blog of every year with what I believe will be meaningful, measurable trends in the workplace throughout the upcoming year.
Read MoreHere are a few insights that emerged for us that we’d like to present as a free, holiday gift. Why would 2021 be any different?
Read MoreIf you want to hear stories of how Belonging makes a difference, then you’ve come to the right place, because that’s what we’re going to talk about.
Read MoreSo, how does one know whether you’re in a toxic workplace or not?
Read MoreIf you want to hear stories of how Belonging makes a difference, then you’ve come to the right place, because that’s what we’re going to talk about.
Read MoreFar too often, the action of teammates is primarily guided by the criteria of looking good, or not looking bad.
Read MoreI’ve been working on a culture system for more than 40 years too.
Read MoreOrganizations that will benefit the most are those with a strong culture who have made their company a home worth returning to. They also have the strength of character to welcome valued boomerangs with open arms.
Read Morethere are behaviors to avoid getting knocked out of the playing field at work. What are a few?
Read MoreEvery organization I work with, regardless of market, geography or size, has one common theme: Exhausted people.
Read MoreWe believe belonging is at the very core of thriving, high performing work cultures. People fully contribute when they feel and act like they belong.
Read MoreThis labor shortage is a great time for people, if we and organizations don’t mess this up.
Read MoreHere are my thoughts about succession watchlists in organizations, and why they’re something we might want to RETHINK.
Read MoreWhat does unbossing mean to you?
Read MoreHere’s what I really think about performance management, and what I want to RETHINK.
Read MoreThere is a conflict stewing at the most profitable company in the world.
Read MoreHow important is exclusivity at your organization? Private elevators, executive parking spaces, etc. Are these still prevalent in your company? If so, why? RETHINK.
Read MoreThose that see people as the primary expense line on the income statement and/or those that cynically think throwing money at the problem is the answer, will find themselves struggling to attract and retain people.
Read MoreWhat are some crazy, outdated and overly formal dress codes you’ve heard of lately? On the other hand, do you wear stained shirts and/or pajamas on your Zoom calls? We’re here to talk about dress codes, and RETHINK.
Read MoreLeaders who want so-called “loyal” direct reports, who are simply or blindly “yes people,” “order takers,” and politicians, are doing themselves and their organizations a disservice.
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