Want to Really Make Those Remote (And All) Teams More Productive?

What it’s About: It’s personally gratifying that people everywhere are finding ways to work remotely. And maybe you’ve noticed that to effectively Work From Anywhere (WFA), it takes a specific mindset to make it work. The technology and logistics underlying WFA are important, yet fall secondary in significance to the human element. The priority challenge is how team members individually contribute to the collective good and overall value needed. In a recent Lead In podcast, I challenged you to revisit the “value versus activity” topic. This time, I’d like to coach you on the next area of development for accelerating team progress. It is an extension to the latest Lead In on optimizing productivity. 

What to Do: Conduct a personal and team assessment in the following four areas: 

  1. Risk and Failure.

  2. Honest Conversations.

  3. Helpfulness and Generosity. 

  4. Inclusion and Belonging. 

This is a continuous journey of development, and I do not want to oversimplify. However, in the spirit of starting small and acting now, please do more to:  

1. Minimize blame and concentrate on learning fast after mistakes are made.

2. Invite people to openly talk about the hard or sensitive things.

3. Always think “yes” first, and ask “how might we?” 

4. SEE everyone, show up to be genuinely seen, make everyone truly welcome, and genuinely feel that they BELONG

If you commit as a follower AND leader to just doing those four things more often, and get better at them, I PROMISE you will have one of the most productive, engaged, and high performing teams. Invite everyone to be ALL IN on those four areas, and you will even become extraordinary. When you go backwards in any one or more of those categories, the opposite will happen. As I often say, it’s that easy, and that hard. 

Think BIG, Start Small, Act Now, 


One Millennial View: It’s cool to see the amount of adapting that so many former in-office workers have been able to quickly pull off. However, I can appreciate that the adjustment is a mental burden for some, with productivity being at the top of the list of challenges. I truly believe following steps like the four listed above can help even the most uncomfortable WFA participants get their bearings straight, and perhaps even exceed their expectations. 

- Garrett 

Edited and published by Garrett Rubis