So for the first time, I’m presenting the essence of my culture course with all followers and the wider public, at a very reasonable price.
Read MoreHappy Friday! Here are my June 26 Hot Topics and how they relate to advancing culture or leadership. This week we’re talking about how it sucks to get laid off, but also discuss the importance of investing in resilience, and how to do so.
Read MoreMany people have asked for my personal guidance on how to build an exceptional culture. In response, the Lorne Rubis team has created an online course called Building Extraordinary and Adaptive Cultures.
Read MoreI’ve taken on the informal title of Chief Mistake Officer as I conclude formal employment in my career. I have lots more to do in my life, God willing. However, in my 70th year, I am concluding receiving a paycheck from any organization that’s not my own.
Read MoreHappy Friday! Here are my June 19 Hot Topics and how they relate to advancing culture or leadership. This week we’re talking a lot about the benefits from working from anywhere. We mean it. Anywhere!
Read MoreAs I reflect on the current desperate need for courageous leadership in both the public and private sectors, paradox balancing must lead the way.
Read MoreHappy Friday! Here are my June 12 Hot Topics and how they relate to advancing culture or leadership. This week we’re talking about being allies at work (and everywhere), having tough conversations, and also building an extraordinary and adaptive culture.
Read MoreHarriet was so excited because she returns to school on June 9. When I asked her about Morley, her response was: ''I have to tell Morley that he can’t hug me right now because of the virus.”
Read MoreHere are my June 5 Hot Topics and how they relate to advancing culture or leadership. This week, we’re reading and reflecting out of respect for the pain and suffering relative to racism.
Read MoreSo what if we changed our approach to these exits so that they become way more dignified than they often are now? (This excludes people who have been egregious in harming others).
Read MoreHappy Friday! Here are my May 29 Hot Topics and how they relate to advancing culture or leadership. This week we’re talking about John Maxwell, Great (not perfect) Leadership, and remembering those who have been there for you. We also discuss the WW (formerly Weight Watchers) foul up while mass firing, and what we can learn from it.
Read MoreThis is real commitment by the leadership and 1,000 people are NOT waiting for the mysterious “THEY” to lead the transformation. It is NOT an event, compliance training or a marketing campaign.
Read MoreHappy Friday! Here are my May 22 Hot Topics and how they relate to advancing culture or leadership. This week we’re talking about how being funny is good business, and how vulnerability as a leader is a great pathway to better success.
Read MoreI hope all of you have come to appreciate some of the side benefits of sheltering in; home dinners, family puzzles or board games, learning how to Zoom, walks together, binging Netflix, petty arguments and maybe even louder ones, making up, asking for forgiveness, forgiving, more hugs, and just time together with all of its bumpy humanness.
Read MoreHappy Friday! Here are my May 15 Hot Topics and how they relate to advancing culture or leadership. Quibi’s leader blames his blunder on the virus, and some helpful predictions for the future.
Read MorePeople who take a “wait and see” attitude are a drag on the organization's ability to refresh or reinvent itself. Frankly, I think “wait and see’ers” should leave if all they have to offer is passive judgment.
Read MoreHappy Friday! Here are my May 8 Hot Topics and how they relate to advancing culture or leadership. There is a right way to conduct layoffs, Airbnb is a great example. And wouldn’t you know it? Great cultures do better during crisis.
Read MoreOne's sense of self-efficacy can play a major role in how one approaches life’s many challenges.
Read MoreHappy Friday! Here are my May 1 Hot Topics and how they relate to advancing culture or leadership. Is Zoom and video conferencing truly bad for us? And we talk about big, bad, billionaire Bill Gates.
Read MoreDoes your leadership have the courage to commit to something like this? Frankly, I doubt it. Most CEOs don’t have a clue how to lead a cultural transformation or acceleration.
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